Today in choir we had a music therapist named Jamie visit and she gave a presentation on what kind of work she does.
You might be wondering if this has anything to do with music theory and the answer is yes! To be a music therapist you have to take several semesters of music theory to get your degree. Since this is the field I want to get my degree in, I really enjoyed the presentation as a whole.
I am hoping that I could possibly volunteer at her practice to get a feel for the actual work that goes into being a music therapist. Part of me knows that this is going to be difficult since the field is still growing, but I really want to use my musical talents to help others. Hopefully the education I get from U of M and the master's I plan to get from Western will prepare me enough to handle this kind of work.
If you'd like to take a look at Jamie's website and get some more information on her practice click here.
What a wonderful opportunity! Thanks for sharing the link.