Monday, February 10, 2014

Part I: Elements of Rhythm; 2-1

I was finally able to get past the first portion of Part I and get to the elements of rhythm. The beginning portion of the section is mostly review. It asked how many eighth notes where in a half note, how many half resets are in a whole rest, etc. That may not mean much to most people but it is pretty much musical math. 

The amount in each note or rest counts for a certain number of beats in a measure. The cool part about musical math is when it creates syncopation in the music. The off beat rhythms add so much to the music and creates a cool effect. It's half the fun of singing sometimes; trying to feel the off beat and interpreting it into the song. Music wouldn't be as fun if it was always on beat, you have to mix it up sometimes. 


  1. Reading rhythms from the music score is the hardest part for me. Have you mastered the ties yet? Ties are where I lose it.

  2. Yeah I'm pretty good at ties and what not. If you check out the website I posted that might help out. If not go ahead and contact me and I might be able to help
